pirmdiena, 2009. gada 19. janvāris


The damp of the sea whispers to my ear: I am an ancient giant dwelling tenderly upon the mountain of the earth waiting for you to notice me and to embrace me. Two eyes are transparent seas imbibing in it the world’s lust, the world’s passions. She noticed the world, but didn’t take up living. The time, which suppresses reality, people call incongruous malediction put open the vacuum of the earth. Love maintains incandescent, pristine field of passion and phantasm. For I can say there are more sinister things in the life than those people call love. What dwells beneath, the time, reality, superfluous dogmas, experience that is carried through by humanity, is that the experience we can call the whole experience -or is there much more to be seen yet, to be heard, to be experienced? The one which is true wouldn’t bother for nothing in this life, coz in reality – nothing real exists, all that is real – doesn’t it dwell beneath, beneath the surface, unseen, but existent, exorbitant life of profundity. An image of a sick , thin, pallid statue raising above the cliff, being ready to transfer himself into a flying and dying bird, isn’t that a mellifluous moment to that delusive state in which our mind is constantly hiding ? And me, standing ashore, waiting, looming like a ponderous, peevish bird amidst the ghosts of this world isn’t that an everyday vision of immortal frenzy?

1 komentārs:

radioisfree teica...

i took each bullet
in my mouth
and left an imprint
of each tooth
so there would be
no question
who pulled the trigger

i was alone
but i knew
i had somehow
found a lover
an ocean away

we took to crticism
not because we enjoyed
it but that it renewed our
faith that we were being heard

we took the bitterness
in each of our mouths
and traded it tongue for tongue
hers in mine mine in hers
and we spoke french thereafter